• Membership rights - proposals

  • There are very few changes proposed here.

    When does someone stop being a Fellow or Member?


    Brodies LLP will work with Professor Mark Strachan, the College Secretary, to ensure that these details are correctly nuanced.



    Membership is terminated if the Member (note this covers Fellows AND Members) concerned:

    • Resigns.
    • Dies (or, if there is ever any such thing as a corporate Member, ceases to exist).
    • Is more than a certain number of months in arrears in paying the relevant subscription, if any (but in such a case the Member may be reinstated on payment of the amount due).
    • Is removed from the relevant Register. Please note - this does not include coming off the Register because the person has retired. Prof Mark Strachan will work with Brodies LLP to make sure that the wording here is appropriate.
    • Is removed from Membership by resolution of Council on the grounds that in their reasonable opinion the Member’s continued Membership is harmful to the College. Council may only pass such a resolution after notifying the Member in writing and considering the matter in the light of any written representations which the Member concerned puts forward within 14 Clear Day(s) after receiving the notice.

    Please note -

    • this will remove the need to hold an EGM to remove someone.
    • this will apply to all classes of Membership.
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